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RDA Prepares PC-I of Kutchery Chowk Underpass Project

o commence construction of the Katchery underpass project, Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has requested the Punjab Planning and Development Board to approve the PC-1 of the given project. The cost of the underpass project is estimated at Rs 3.6 billion. Currently, the RDA, with assistance from the Punjab government, is working on the remodeling of the Ammar Chowk. In addition, the RDA also plans to reconstruct the Defense Chowk with an estimated price tag of Rs 2.2 billion.

RDA is concerned that both the projects should not be initiated simultaneously as it will increase the existing traffic congestion between the twin cities. According to RDA officials, the Katchery project has been approved in principle by the government but awaits formal approval for the initiation of construction.

The PC-1 is an important document as it lays down the cost structure, approves the feasibility, sustainability of the project, and the environmental and social costs of any government-funded project. Any government-funded construction cannot be initiated without this document.

The underpasses mentioned above and flyovers will decrease traffic congestion on roads which is a common sight nowadays. The katchery underpass will connect The Mall and Airport Road and Jhelum Road.


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