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PPP leader wants construction of Booni-Mastuj portion of Shandur road first

PPP Lower Chitral president Engineer fazal Rabbi jan here demand that the funds released for the reconstruction of chitral shandur road should be utilized to first rehabilitate the booomi mastuj portion of shandur road.

He was addressing a gathering of people in Brep along with PPP Lower Chitral general secretary Nizar Wali Shah during their visit to Yarkhun on Wednesday.

Engineer Fazal Rabbi said the federal government has released an amount of Rs2 billion for the mega road project this fiscal year.
Due to paucity of funds, the NHA has not acquired private land in villages and started the work on the road outside populated areas such as deserts and hilly tracks.

He was of the view that work on patches in selected portions of the road between Chitral and Booni would not resolve the issue rather the road would be further damaged.

These funds could best be utilized in the construction of the Booni-Mastuj portion of Shandur road, he told ChitralToday.

Regarding the repair of a powerhouse providing electricity to Brep, the PPP leader announced to donate a new turbine worth Rs1.6 million for it.

He also assured people of Dizg, Khruzg, Mahting, Bang etc., that he would take up the issue related to the relocation of the police station from Yarkhun Lasht to some other area accessible to the locals more conveniently.

The PPP leaders and local supporters also stressed the need for raising voice fir the restoration of Upper Chitral’s seat in the KP assembly.



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