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New Underpass Locations in Islamabad: Check Alternate Routes Here

The federal government has greenlit the construction of two new underpasses in Islamabad to combat traffic congestion issues. This initiative aims to enhance the smooth flow of vehicles across the capital’s busiest intersections.

In a meeting chaired by Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, officials presented the preliminary designs for the underpasses. Minister Naqvi emphasized the need for swift completion of these projects, highlighting their importance in reducing traffic bottlenecks.

he planned underpasses will be strategically located at Serena Chowk and along the Srinagar Highway. These sites were selected due to the significant traffic convergence from key routes such as Constitution Avenue, Club Road (Murree Road), Srinagar Highway, and Attaturk Avenue, which currently experience severe congestion during peak hours.

To minimize disruption during the construction phase, city managers will soon announce alternate routes for commuters. These alternative pathways aim to maintain the flow of traffic and reduce inconvenience to the public.

With the federal government’s commitment to improving infrastructure in Islamabad, the new underpasses at Serena Chowk and Srinagar Highway will play a crucial role in ensuring a smoother and more efficient traffic system for the capital’s residents and visitors

The construction of these underpasses is expected to provide long-term benefits by:

  • Reducing traffic congestion
  • Improving travel times
  • Enhancing road safety


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