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China ready to work on ‘upgraded’ CPEC

China is ready to pool efforts with Pakistan to promote an “upgraded version” of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday, according to his ministry.

Wang met with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar in Beijing on Wednesday.

The two countries agreed to advance their joint project – the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) — and endorsed finalizing modalities for third-party participation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi at a joint news stakeout expressed satisfaction over the steady pace of CPEC and vowed to “further upgrade and expand this cooperation”.

The two sides, after co-chairing the fifth Pakistan-China Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue held at Diaoyutai State Guest House, spoke about their in-depth discussion on the multiple facets of their bilateral relations including CPEC and cooperation on counter-terrorism.

Terming the Sino-Pak ties as “all-weather strategic partnership”, Dar and Wang expressed commitment to continue extending support to each other on issues of core interest.

Ishaq Dar said the country looked forward to further enhancing China’s “development footprint” as in last 10 years, the CPEC transformed Pakistan’s economic landscape by eliminating power outages and by developing a robust infrastructure network.

The two sides, he said, would pace up the implementation of Main Line-1 railway line project, Gwadar Port development, realignment of Phase 2 of the Karakorum Highway, and boost cooperation in agriculture, mining, minerals, energy, information technology, and industry sectors.

“As we embark on second phase of CPEC, we look forward to developing corridors of growth, livelihood, innovation, green development, and inclusivity,” he added.

Dar said the two sides were unanimous of the view that Karakorum Highway was the “linchpin of the China Pakistan geographical connectivity and an important artery of CPEC”.

It has been agreed to implement the previous understanding to commence all-weather operations of Khunjerab-Sust border crossing soon, he added.

Meanwhile, China said that it firmly supports Pakistan in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and in playing a bigger role in international and regional affairs.

The remarks were expressed by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi while co-chairing the fifth round of the Foreign Minister-Level China-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue with Pakistan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mohammad Ishaq Dar in Beijing on Wednesday.

The two sides pledged to enhance pragmatic cooperation in various fields.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, noted that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooperative partners.

Over the years, he said that Pakistan has firmly adhered to the one-China principle and offered China valuable support without reservation on issues concerning China’s core interests.

Wang said that China also firmly supports Pakistan in safeguarding national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and in playing a bigger role in international and regional affairs.

“It is believed that under the leadership of the new government, Pakistan will enter a new stage of political unity, social stability, controllable security and sustainable development,” he said.

China and Pakistan will support each other, share weal and woe, and work hand in hand to push China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership to a new level, Wang added.

The Chinese foreign minister said that his country is willing to work with Pakistan to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, pool efforts to promote the construction of an upgraded version of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and work together to build a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.

In addition, China will not waver in its determination to deepen cooperation with Pakistan, and hopes that Pakistan will continue to do its utmost to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions in Pakistan and eliminate the worries of Chinese enterprises and personnel, he added.

The Pakistan-China friendship is the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy, Dar said, adding that Pakistan abides by the one-China principle, firmly supports China without hesitation on all issues concerning China’s core interests, and looks forward to further deepening bilateral practical cooperation in various fields.

He further said that Pakistan will do its utmost to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan.
He also thanked China for its consistent support on the Kashmir issue, saying it is crucial for resolving the dispute to bring peace in the region.

The two countries also agreed to continue their cooperation on issues related to regional security and stability.
Meanwhile, the deputy prime minister co-chaired the 5th round of China-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue with Member of the Politburo of CPC Central Committee and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing today.

Both sides reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral relations and discussed regional and international issues of mutual interest. Noting the China Pakistan ‘All Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership’, Dar underlined relations with China as the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy.

The deputy prime minister highlighted the threats posed to regional peace and security due to India’s illegal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir, and appreciated China’s principled stance on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

Both sides reiterated the resolve to further deepen the bilateral ties through continued high-level exchanges and bilateral consultative mechanisms. They also renewed the commitment to advance the high-quality development of CPEC in its second phase with its focus on five corridors namely growth, innovation, open, livelihood, green corridors. Agencies


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