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Punjab CM inspects low-cost housing project And reviews upgradation work at Services Hospital

The caretaker Punjab government has successfully revitalized another stalled welfare project, completing the con­struction of 245 houses under the low-cost housing scheme in Raiwind.

These affordable homes are slated to be handed over to deserving govern­ment employees on January 15, follow­ing special directives of Punjab Care­taker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

CM Naqvi inspected the newly con­structed houses in Rakhpaji, Raiwind, thoroughly assessing the provided fa­cilities. He ordered for taking imme­diate steps so that the government employees could reside in these hous­es. He also emphasized timely com­pletion of sewerage and drainage fa­cilities along with the redress of any outstanding issues related to house al­lotment.

The FWO (Frontier Works Organization) officials briefed the CM about the scheme.

Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mo­hsin Naqvi conducted a comprehensive inspection of the ongoing construction activities at Services Hospital and re­viewed progress made in enhancing hospital’s infrastructure.

The CM directed the managing di­rector WASA to lay a new drainage line, adding that the hospital’s drain­age system would be changed by lay­ing new pipes along with the construc­tion of a pumping station for efficient water drainage. He also inspected the construction work in various sections, underscoring the importance of main­taining high-quality standards in the up gradation process. He engaged with the labourers, encouraging them to exert extra effort. The CM commend­ed another labourer who replied that their shift ends at 2 am.Naqvi visits Ganga Ram Hospital, expresses dismay.

Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mo­hsin Naqvi made a surprise visit to Ganga Ram Hospital on Wednesday where he found cleanliness arrange­ments inadequate.

There were piles of filth and dirt in the washrooms. Patients and their attendants complained about being charged for surgeries in the hospi­tal. A female patient also complained about having to procure medicines from outside.



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