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Preservation work on historical Rawat Fort underway

The preservation, restoration and development work is underway on historical Rawat Fort, an an­cient Sarai located along the G.T Road. The efforts put into preserv­ing Rawat Fort will not only halt its decay but will also secure its heritage for generations to come.

while boosting tourism both na­tionally and regionally, an official of Department of Archaeology and Museum (DOAM) told mediamen. He said that the inclusive aspect of the project, noting that the archae­ological excavation, conservation, and restoration works would gen­erate employment opportunities in the local area.

Rawat Fort, an ancient Sarai located along the G.T Road, has historical significance dating back to the Sultanate pe­riod in the early 15th century A.D. Associated with tales of Mahmud of Ghazna’s son Masud and the val­iant Ghakhar Chief Sarang Khan, the fortress holds a rich tapestry of narratives within its walls.

Pres­ently, the Fort exhibits two gate­ways on its northern and eastern sides, a three-domed Mosque in the Western Wing’s heart, and an octagonal single-domed Mauso­leum in the North-Western cor­ner. Scattered graves within its precinct tell tales of bygone eras.

The majestic rows of identical living cells line the quadrangular inner face of the defense walls, overlooking the courtyard, show­casing the fort’s historical archi­tectural marvels.


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