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Pakistan To Establish ‘Smart Villages’

Pakistan would establish ‘smart villages’ as part of its digitization process, informed Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry.

“Islamic Development Bank has fixed a grant of $500 million to be spent for the development of science and technology in Muslim countries,” said the federal minister, quoted Arab News. “Initially Pakistan is going to provide $50 million projects for up-gradation of health technology and digitalization,” he said.

Chaudhry said that the digitalization projects include establishing ‘smart villages’ in different Muslim countries, the- smart village will boost internet, bio-energy, solar system, and other digital facilities

“First we will implement it in Pakistan as a model,” he said, adding that Pakistan could help other Muslim countries in the fields of science and technology.

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Khan launched the ‘Digital Pakistan Vision Project’, saying that ‘Digital Pakistan’ is need of the hour and it is an important initiative for the youth of the country.

The prime minister also inaugurated the country’s first National Science and Technology Park (NSTP) at the vicinity of National University of Sciences and Technology.

The high-tech IT Park houses more than forty companies, including start-ups, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and tech giants, the NTSP aims to serve as a launchpad for the country’s leading researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.


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