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Pakistan-Morocco To Enhance Bilateral Cooperation

Islamabad: Ambassador of Morocco to Pakistan Muhammad Karmoune has said that Morocco and Pakistan are revamping the ties and that the two nations have agreed to further enhance bilateral cooperation at different levels. An agreement could be signed between the Port of Tangeir and Gawadar Port. Pakistan and Morocco enjoy productive relations in international and regional such as United Nations (UN) and OIC.

During the interview with Online International News Networks, the Ambassador of Morocco Muhammad Karmoune said that Morocco attached great importance to its ties with the brotherly country of Pakistan and was willing to further enhance the mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation in different fields. He underscored the significance of high-level interactions, including political consultations between the two countries. The long-awaited bilateral political consultations between are scheduled be held in February 2020.

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Answering the question, the envoy highlighted that although the official bilateral relations between Morocco and Pakistan were established in 1958, cordial relations predated when Pakistan helped Morocco in its independence struggle by issuing diplomatic passports to the leaders of the Moroccan freedom movement. The close and friendly relations between the two sides are underpinned by common faith and shared experiences. The Ministries of Religious Affairs of the two countries keep in regular touch through a joint commission. Both states are members of Al Quds Committee headed by His Majesty King Mohammad VI of Morocco.

The Ambassador emphasised the importance of promoting trade and business ties between the two countries. He said that the exchange of trade delegations was imperative to identify the trade potential between the two brotherly countries. For the enhancement of trade and the economic sector, Pakistani investors and businessmen have shown interest in exploring the opportunities being offered by Morocco. A Morocco – Pakistan Joint Business Council has been established and some of its members have visited Morocco to explore opportunities. The Joint Business Council facilitates the business community of both countries. Morocco also imports Textile, handicrafts and other items from Pakistan.

Pakistan is a significant investor in Moroccan fertilizer production field where Pakistan’s Fauji Fertilizers has signed an agreement with Moroccan phosphate Company with a capital of 800 million (Moroccan Dirham). Urea produced in the Pak-Morocco Phosphate Company in Moroccan city of Al-Jadida is entirely sent to Pakistan. A Pakistani company has also invested in Moroccan oil and gas exploration sector.

Ambassador Karmoun said that Pakistan can benefit from Morocco’s expertise in solar energy. Morocco is one of the champions in renewable energy including solar and wind energy. In 2016, His Majesty the King inaugurated the first solar energy project, the largest in North Africa. Presently several solar and wind energy projects are underway.

In addition, tourism is an important driver of the Moroccan economy. Pakistan too has a great potential in this sector. The two countries can exchange ideas in the field of tourism promotion, the Ambassador underscored. Kingdom of Morocco is blessed by a unique location surrounded by North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea with abundance of water. Ambassador Karmoun said that the Moroccans use this natural bounty for travel, trade and recreational sports like water skiing and fishing.

The oceans are also source of immense food and natural resources such as gas, oil and other minerals. The kingdom is seriously embarked on exploring these natural resources for its economic and social development. There is usually a port of reasonable size in all the main coastal cities.

Morocco has many well-established ports and port of Tangier, with a capacity of 9 million containers a year, is among the largest ports. Highlighting Morocco’s geographical significance, the Ambassador said that Morocco was surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea with plenty of water and an agreement could be signed between the Port of Tangeir and Gawadar Port.


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