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Environment-friendly Karot Hydropower Project

The United Nations Panel on Climate Change has warned the world that global warming is out of control for that human are to blame. There is no doubt that humans are squandering natural resources, destroying clean air and water, and harming the environment. When coal, oil, or natural gas is burned, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, where the ocean and plants absorb it. Carbon dioxide is a carcinogenic gas that reaches the ocean. Water becomes more acidic as a result. Environmentalists say that the earth’s temperature is increasing due to the emission of such gases, which is called global warming. The general perception is that global warming is more dangerous than nuclear bombs, because of which the earth will be destroyed. The ozone layer’s protection against hazardous radiation is deteriorating, and the sun’s heat is beginning to fall directly on the earth’s surface. The experiences of experts worldwide and the facts on the ground show that the weather has been changing for several years, indicating that if we do not become attentive and serious in time, the worst repercussions will occur. When beginning work on CPEC projects, Chinese experts have given a great deal of attention to minimizing their impact on the surrounding ecosystem as much as possible. In this way, hydroelectric projects have given the environment top importance. The Karot Hydro power Project is one of these projects that would provide Pakistan with clean and environmentally sustainable electricity. The beginning of the Karot Hydro power Project was a momentous occasion. On November 22, 2021, Wang Ye, the team head of the Karot Hydro power Project, informed the press in a triumphant manner that “The Karot Hydro power Project is a part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. It is the first large-scale hydro power investment and construction project of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which will provide clean and green energy in Pakistan”. Despite various hurdles, such as the covid-19 pandemic, high temperatures, excessive rainfall, regional security concerns, and complex geological construction conditions, these obstacles were surmounted via collaborative efforts of both countries. China Three Gorges Company (CTG) prepared four charter aircraft to transport 600 Chinese construction workers to the construction site and assure the project’s timely completion. The Karot Hydro power Project began with a $100,000 investment and had the distinction of being a first hydro power project of the CPEC project. The project is also a sign of CPEC’s clean and green vision, which will make it easier for Pakistan to get clean, cheap, and long-lasting energy. Environmental protection has been given a lot of attention during the project’s development. In this situation, protecting aquatic life, especially fish, was especially important. More than a hundred people have been put in charge of protecting the fish that are stuck on the rocks or at the bottom of the river. A total of $3 million is being spent on the project, and the local government is working with the project team to carry out the plan for managing biodiversity. Since the project’s inception, strict measures have been taken to monitor and protect the quality of river water and air. Contaminated water is discharged from construction sites, and offices. Streets are sprayed with water to improve air quality. From the Karot Hydro power Project, the annual average electricity production will be 3.2 billion kilowatts per hour, and carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 3.5 million tons. Thus, Pakistan is rapidly moving towards renewable energy with the support of friendly countries, of which hydro power projects are a major part. The production cost of hydro power projects is also very low, and effective environmental protection is possible. With Pakistan’s assistance in producing clean energy through projects such as the Karot Hydro power Project, China’s CPEC initiative would promote a green economy and development. In this manner, Pakistan will also be able to pursue green growth. Now let’s take a look at the important points of the project. The Karot Hydro power Project is the first Belt and Road Initiative project to receive funding from the Silk Road Fund. The Chinese company Three Gorges Corporation, which is constructing the largest dam in the world, has invested $1.7 billion in this project. The Karot Hydro power Project is the fourth of five hydro stations constructed with Three Gorges Corporation funding on the Jhelum River in Punjab. The completion of the project will result in the addition of 720 megawatts of electricity to the national grid. At the same time, five million individuals will benefit from green and clean energy. Annually, the project can produce more than three billion kilowatt-hours of sustainable energy. The yearly electricity production of the project is equivalent to a reduction of 152 million tonnes of conventional coal usage and 5.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. During the construction phase, the project employed approximately 5,000 individuals. The Karot Hydro power Project is an engineering wonder; it is a run-ofriver hydro project, which means that agricultural canals will not be diverted from this dam.


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