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CDWP approves development projects worth Rs63.82b

The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) Thursday approved 11 development projects worth Rs. 63.82 billion including China Pakistan Economic Corridor Support Project.

The CDWP, which met under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Planning, Development & Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal, approved the construction of Lahore Sialkot Motorway (LSM) link Highway,4-lane (2nd Revised PC-1) at the cost of Rs 37.139b.

The forum approved China Pakistan Economic Corridor Support Project (2nd Revised) at the cost of Rs 909.285 million. The forum also approved construction of Dhudial by-pass District Chakwal (2nd Revised) at the cost of Rs 1174.962m, Integrated Energy Planning for Sustainable Development at the cost of Rs 438.112 million, upgradation of radiology department at Shaikh Zayed Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore at the cost of Rs 1372.800m, Faculty Development Program for Pakistani Universities (Revised) at the cost of Rs 7142.000m, establishment of Institute of Progressive Sciences & Technology, Miranshah North Waziristan at the cost of Rs 2000.000m, National Police Hospital worth Rs6479.879m, Greater Water Supply Scheme for Central Hunza from Attabad Lake at the cost of Rs 1270.866m and Technical Assistance for Punjab Affordable Housing Program at the cost of Rs 3000.000m. The CDWP approved the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Support Project (2nd Revised) at the cost of Rs 909.285 million. The 2nd revised project envisages establishing Project Management Unit (PMU) at the Ministry of Railways and a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in Lahore, for efficient and effective implementation of the CPEC activities on ML-1 of Pakistan Railways.

The forum also approved the construction of Dhudial by-pass District Chakwal (2nd Revised) at the cost of Rs 1174.962m. The project envisages the construction of a 6.5-kilometer connecting Mandra Chakwal Road with the construction of a flyover at Chakbeli road. The CDWP also approved National Police Hospital at the cost of Rs 6479.879m. The project envisages the establishment of a 100-bedhospital to provide tertiary healthcare facilities to 12,000 personnel of the Islamabad Police and the general population of ICT. Furthermore, an Up gradation of the Radiology Department at Shaikh Zayed Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore at the cost of Rs 1372.800m was also approved by the forum.

The CDWP also approved Faculty Development Program for Pakistani universities (Revised) at the cost of Rs 7142 million. This project will focus on faculty development (Indigenous program for 2,000 Split Ph.D. scholarships, for faculty members of Public Sector Universities/DAIs having master’s degrees with a minimum of 18 years of education). The establishment of the Institute of Progressive Sciences & Technology, Miranshah North Waziristan at the cost of Rs 2000million is another project that was approved by the CDWP forum. HEC is the sponsoring agency of the project.


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