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CDWP Approves Development Projects Worth Rs. 36.2 Billion

The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) convened under the chairmanship of Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Dr Mohammad Jehanzeb Khan, deliberated on vital development projects spanning diverse sectors.

CDWP discussed a comprehensive overview of 4 significant projects, collectively valued at Rs. 36.2 billion. Among these, 3 projects received recommendations for further consideration by the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC), while 1 secured approval from the CDWP forum.

It is noteworthy that the CDWP accorded the highest priority to the Post-Flood reconstruction and rehabilitation initiatives. Four projects were discussed under the Post-Flood 2022 Reconstruction Program namely “Resilience Enhancement and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan (Public Health Engineering/Water Supply Infrastructure Sector, with a total cost of Rs. 2.8 billion, Resilience Enhancement and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan (Road Infrastructure CW and PPHD), worth Rs. 13.8 billion, Resilience Enhancement, and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan (Irrigation Infrastructure) worth Rs. 8.25 billion, and Livelihood Interventions for integrated Flood Resilience and Adaptation Program (IFRAP) with the total cost of Rs. 11.36 billion.

The Post-Flood 2022 Reconstruction Program emphasizing resilience enhancement and livelihood diversification in Balochistan (road infrastructure CW&PPHD), with a total cost of Rs. 13.8 billion, was recommended to ECNEC. This project, funded by the World Bank, aims to strengthen transportation infrastructure by constructing resilient roads and bridges, significantly reducing travel time for the residents.

Additionally, another vital project of the Post-Flood 2022 Reconstruction program, the Livelihood Interventions for Integrated Flood Resilience and Adaptation Program (IFRAP), valued at Rs. 11,360 Million, was also recommended for further deliberation by the ECNEC. This project targets the upliftment of underdeveloped regions in Balochistan, encompassing various districts. It focuses on uplifting livelihoods through agricultural and livestock interventions while nurturing resilience against climate change and other adversities.

The initiative titled “Enhancement of Resilience and Diversification of Livelihoods in Balochistan (Irrigation Infrastructure),” totaling Rs. 8.25 billion, received a recommendation for approval by ECNEC. Financed through a World Bank Loan, this project aims at rehabilitating flood-damaged infrastructure and establishing flood management structures within Balochistan.

The rehabilitation of water systems for irrigation within a command area spanning approximately 100,000 acres of land is the central objective of the project. The project’s implementation is expected to significantly enhance agricultural productivity, restrain economic losses caused by floods, and strengthen livelihoods and economic growth in the region.

The project namely “Resilience Enhancement and Livelihood Diversification in Balochistan ( Public Health Engineering/Water Supply Infrastructure Sector )” with a total cost of Rs. 2.8 billion was approved by the CDWP forum. The project aims to rehabilitate and restore of damaged schemes to enhance water supply to the inhabitants of different calamity-hit districts of Balochistan where most components of water schemes were damaged.

With three projects recommended for consideration by the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) and one project securing CDWP approval, the collective effort aims to revitalize infrastructure, enhance livelihoods, and fortify resilience against environmental adversities.

Secretary Planning, Awais Manzur Sumra, Members of the Planning Commission, representatives from line ministries, provincial P&D departments, and officials from the Planning Ministry attended the meeting.


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