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CDA to construct ramps at public places for disabled persons

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) is going to initiate work to facilitate the disabled persons by constructing ramps at different public places.

According to a press release by the CDA, in the first phase, these ramps will be constructed at 110 different sites. Upon the special directions of President Dr. Arif Alvi, CDA has decided to construct ramps for disable persons at various markets, business centers, roads, main chowks, zebra crossings, and parks.

The road and maintenance department will construct ramps for disabled at 110 different places of 16 centers of the city. This step is being taken to facilitate the disabled so that they can easily go to markets and business centers. In the second phase, the ramps will be constructed in F-9 Park, Rose and Jasmine garden, Japan Park, Lotus Park, Lake View Park, and other main parks of the city.

Later, the ramps will be constructed in all the small and big markets, roads, parks, and other places of the city, the CDA officials said and added, “Chairman CDA, Ali Ahmad has said that disable persons are the asset of the country so it is our responsibility to facilitate them in all regards.” CDA will give its best to provide the facility of ramps to disable persons throughout the city, the Chairman added.


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