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83 Pc Progress Achieved On Skardu-Jaglot Road Project

About 83 per cent of progress on improvement, up gradation and expansion of the 167 km strategic road Skardu-Jaglot Road (S-1) has been achieved so far, an official of National Highway Authority told APP on Tuesday.

The official said ECNEC had given the approval of the project on July 10, 2017, and its revised cost would be established as 32.325 billion. During the present fiscal year, Rs 2 billion have been allocated for the project in the PSDP 2022-2023, he said.

The official said the project has been assigned to Frontier Works Organization (FWO) which had laid the initial track in 1984.


Jaglot-Skardu road, the official said, a major link between Karakoram Highway and Skardu has 3.66-meter width of blacktop.

The difficult terrain has intense snowfall and major rock sliding, the NHA official added.

He said its up gradation would enhance the comfortable road ride for locals as well as tourists by increasing the width of the road from 3.6 to 7.3 meters and reducing the sharp curves.

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