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Mansehra lawmaker wants quality material for road project

District Development Advisory Committee Chairman Nawabzada Fareed has warned the contractor and the Communication and Works Department of strict legal action if substandard material was used in the blacktopping of Oghi-Battal Road. “This is an important artery being built with Rs220 million funds and links Oghi with Hazara Expressway and Karakorum Highway. If standard material is not used in its construction, those responsible would be taken to justice under relevant laws,” Fareed told reporters after inspecting the blacktopping of the Oghi-Battal road on Wednesday. He said the road was being constructed and blacktopped with a special grant approved by Chief Minister Mahmood Khan to put Oghi town on the way to prosperity and development.

Meanwhile, transporters and former local government representatives, led by ex-Councillor Mohammad Asghar and Mohammad Tariq, warned of a street agitation if Oghi-Battal road was not constructed in accordance with its PC-1.


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