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496 megawatts Spat Gah hydropower project to be completed in five years

Secretary Energy and Power, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Nisar Ah­mad Khan has said that foreign investment will play a major role in the development of the energy sector in the province.

He said that Khyber Pakh­tunkhwa is rich in the natu­ral resources of hydro power, which is a valuable asset. The utilization of the hydro power resources will not only pull the country out of the current energy crisis but will also earn billions of rupees annually for the province. He expressed these views in a meeting with a delegation of foreign investors lead by Ahn Ho Young, the rep­resentative of Korean engineer­ing and construction company LOTTE, regarding progress on 496MW Spat Gah Power Proj­ect Kohistan here on Monday.

The power project is being constructed with the coop­eration of KHNP, a govt-owned company of South Korea and the govt of Khyber Pakhtunkh­wa. The Chief Executive Officer, Provincial Energy Development Organization (PEDO) Engineer Naeem Khan and the Manager of the Korean company, Muham­mad Sulman, were also pres­ent. While giving a briefing, it was said that under the Public Private Partnership, 496 mega­watts Spat Gah hydro power project is being constructed with the cooperation of the Korean company and the govt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The province will earn about 3 bil­lion rupees when the project is completed in 5 years. It will be the largest hydro power project in the recent history of the prov­ince. During the meeting, the problems faced with PPIB in­cluding IGCEP Plan and NTDC at the federal level were discussed. 

Similarly, various options were also discussed to erase the obstacles in issuing gen­eration licenses for the proj­ect and other issues with the federal government. It was proposed to bring the issues to the highest forums in order to sort it out once and for all. On this occasion, Secretary Energy Nisar Ahmad Khan and Chief Executive PEDO En­gineer Naeem Khan assured the Korean investors’ delega­tion that they would do their best to bring out the problem by highlighting the problems facing the province for the de­velopment of the province at high-level forums


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